Tuesday, June 7, 2011

obbaaaaaa. fyi, not whiny, just american.

American English is surprisingly a very sing songy language. People don't usually believe me, but try speaking the last couple of sentences and I'll argue that your tone changed over 10 times. Could American English rival Chinese Mandarin in the amount of intonation changes, just not as formalized?? shockingly possibly yes? take that ethnocentricity.

But back to whininess, Korean, compared to English, is a pretty flat language. Unfortunately, I didn't realize that until this past year, and as such my Korean undeniably sucks. My tones are all over the place. And after hearing your cousins and aunts giggling about how cute you sound while you try to bungle your way through some simple phrases like "thank you" or "can we please have more water," sounding American can get pretty tiring.

but at least i've figured out one of the biggest hurdles to korean fluency. hopefully in my quest to learn more about my heritage, I'll start sounding more Korean-Korean instead of Korean-American.

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