Thursday, April 29, 2010

today someone called me a bitch, then stupid bitch.

i admit, i was in a pretty pissy mood after work today. i wasn't smiling and was walking pretty briskly from the bus stop.

when i got into my apartment's lounge area, i almost ran into another tenant. it seemed like he was heading out so i decided to just side step him and go to the elevators without even looking at him. turns out he was getting into the elevators too.

i guess i was walking pretty fast because the elevator door started closing when he appeared in front of it. while i was feeling pissy, i wasn't feeling extremely bitchy. so i pressed the "open door" button. he still tried to catch the elevator door, but i'm pretty certain that the "open door" button would, you know, open the door.

we rode the elevator in silence. i still refused to look at him. he gets off a few floors before me and after he walked out, he muttered bitch. then, for my further edification, he muttered stupid bitch even louder.

hey, maybe he was just muttering along with his music since he had these massive headphones on. or, maybe he was being an ASS. i pressed "open door" for you, man. don't be an ass.

Wednesday, April 28, 2010

i think i'm getting osteoporotic. my joints have been aching pretty much every other day for a while now. first it was my knees, now my wrists. and it used to correlate to when i drank sodie pop. i thought it was the caffeine.

but what if i'm slowly bleaching away all my calcium reserves by overly hydrating myself with caffeinated beverages??? is it even possible?? i dunno, and i don't really want to look it up either. it usually goes away after a couple of aspirin anyway. who doesn't love a good ol' NSAID bandaid.

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

hey i've got an awesome idea for a movie.

first, i'll create an epic fantasy cartoon about the struggles and ultimate victory of oppressed peoples against their oppressors. just for the fun of it, i'll base the characters on real life ethnicities. then, i'll turn that smash hit of a cartoon into a movie.

but, wait for it, here's the twist: i'll cast historically powerful ethnicities as the oppressed and powerless ethnicities as the oppressors. I know, GENIUS, right? Plus, it was a FANTASY cartoon, i can do whatever i want. it's not like making another movie like Glory where slaves are depicted as whites and slave masters as blacks would be crazy or anything. i mean, it's called ARTISTIC LICENSE.

oh wait, sorry, they already made the movie. It's called The Last Airbender. Damn, and here i thought i was being all progressive.

Sunday, April 25, 2010

JA's version of parenthood:

According to peds, babies are more like those amorphous white blob things that like to roll around, fall onto concrete floors from at least 3 feet high and then projectile vomit on you. **shudder**

and what exactly are you looking at blue totoro?