Sunday, December 9, 2012

Exhale, 2nd book of the Just Breathe series by Kendall Grey.

I hate Kendall Gray. I just. I just can’t. My mind. Blown.

Perhaps hate is a strong word.

I had just consumed Inhale and was in a state of post good read bliss. Normally, I’m reluctant to read the second book of a series if the first book lived beyond expectations. Usually I give myself a little time – at least a couple days to contemplate, ponder, take a final drag out of the last remaining feelings of satisfaction from my happily ever afters. Sometimes I’m really good and manage to hold myself back until I’m sure the entire series is complete before embarking on days of sleepless kindle binges.

But I f'ing didn’t take my time. No, Kendall Grey is so gifted, her world so complex, her characters just so. just so damn full of life that I couldn’t help myself.

I read book two. And while I was reading book two, I could see the inevitable happening literally right before my eyes. I was powerless to stop it. I was powerless to stop reading it. And it happened. And now we wait for book three. Thank god it’s scheduled for a January release.

Read book two but only if you have read book one. Exhale picks up exactly where Inhale stops off. Also, know this is a trilogy which I decided to pointedly ignore before embarking on this journey. Like her previous book, Kendall Grey once again throws us into the Elemental World but if you’ve read book one, you will at least have some footing. But don’t worry, she still manages to keep us hapless readers off balance. You will predict some twists but Kendall Grey will definitely fling you off the ride with other turns. I get the sense that there is a bigger game at play in her trilogy and Kendall Grey has only just whetted our appetites. Here’s to 2013. 

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